Solid-State Properties of One-Dimensional Metals Based on bis(oxalato)platinate Anions with Divalent Cations

A. Braude, K. Carneiro, Claus Schelde Jacobsen, Kell Mortensen, D. J. Turner, A. E. Underhill

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The crystal structures, superstructures, dc conductivity, optical properties, and thermopower of six linear-chain conductors of the type M0.8[Pt(C2O4)2]⋅(M=Ni,Co,Zn,Fe,Mg,Mn), where M is a divalent metal (M=Ni,Co,Zn,Fe,Mg,Mn), have been studied. At high temperatures they form a common orthorhombic metallic phase (I) with conductivities of 30–200 (Ω cm)-1 and thermopowers of 5–10 μV/K, with the lattice weakly modulated by the one-dimensional Peierls distortion. Below T1, three compounds (Ni,Co,Zn) form a semiconducting phase (A-II) due to the ordering of the [M(H2O)6]+2 cations. As the cation superlattice is commensurate with the three-dimensional Peierls distortion, these salts transform at a lower temperature T2 into a charge-density-wave phase (A-III). In the other three compounds (Fe,Mg,Mn), the cations order in a superlattice (phase B-II) which is incommensurate with both the average Pt-ion lattice and the three-dimensional Peierls distortion, and therefore no charge-density-wave state is formed. The influence of competing interactions is briefly discussed.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number15
Pages (from-to)7835-7846
Publication statusPublished - 1987

Bibliographical note

Copyright (1987) by the American Physical Society.


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