Socioeconomic differences in public acceptability and car use adaptation towards urban road pricing

Tina Gehlert, Christiane Kramer, Otto Anker Nielsen, Bernhard Schlag

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Urban road pricing is regarded as an effective instrument to reduce traffic congestion and environmental-related problems in metropolitan areas. Whereas the overall impact of urban road pricing on car use adaptation and public acceptability is known, there are only inconsistent results concerning the socioeconomic differences in the response towards road pricing. However, this knowledge is necessary for the development of urban road pricing packages. This paper uses a segmentation approach to identify groups of car users with a similar background in relevant socioeconomic variables and compares their responses towards road pricing. Three groups are identified: young families, suburban families, and singles and couples. These groups indeed differ in their car use adaptation towards urban road pricing as well as in their preferred revenues use. While all three groups significantly reduced their private car use, the young families reduced their car use most, followed by the group of singles and couples. Complementary measures are discussed that are believed to facilitate car use adaptation of each group in response towards urban road pricing.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalTransport Policy
    Issue number5
    Pages (from-to)685-694
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • Urban roadpricing
    • Public acceptability
    • Car useadaptation
    • Target groups
    • Integrated traveldemandmanagement
    • Market segmentation


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