Smart grid, household consumers and asymmetries: Energy visualization and scripting of technology

Meiken Hansen

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review


    This paper will focus on the asymmetries that occur when different consumer groups are presented to the same energy visualisation equipment. The studied technology is home automation/control equipment, designed to contribute to the general set up of smart grid (facilitate a flexible use of electricity and accommodate demand response). Large smart grid pilot projects suggest that energy visualisation technology will be a common part of households in the future. There exist numerous different visualisation technologies within the area of electricity and private consumers today.This study seeks to contribute to the research on how shaping of technology affects consumers differently. In relation to the analysis of technology and consumers, I will draw upon the concept of script (Akrich 1992). The objective is to study how energy consumption is In-scripted in the objects (visualisation-technologies applied in the human actor's homes) and how the consumers interpret the technology (the De-scription of the object). In relation to the general goals of smart grid to change the consumption of electricity into being more flexible, it is relevant to investigate if different consumer groups accept and assign to the technology (Pre-script) or if they work against it (De-inscription). The empirical data for the paper is retrieved from an experimental project including 30 private households. The collected data consists of consumption data and semi-structured interviews.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication date2014
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventEASST 2014, conference, situating solidarities: Social challenges for Science and technology studies - Torún, Poland
    Duration: 17 Sept 201419 Sept 2014


    ConferenceEASST 2014, conference, situating solidarities


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