Slip patterns and preferred dislocation boundary planes

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    The planes of deformation induced extended planar dislocation boundaries are analysed in two different co-ordinate systems, namely the macroscopic system defined by the deformation axes and the crystallographic system given by the crystallographic lattice. The analysis covers single and polycrystals of fcc metals in three deformation modes (rolling, tension and torsion). In the macroscopic system, boundaries lie close to the macroscopically most stressed planes. In the crystallographic system, the boundary plane depends on the grain/crystal orientation. The boundary planes in both co-ordinate systems are rationalised based on the slip. The more the slip is concentrated on a slip plane, the closer the boundaries lie to this. The macroscopic preference arises from the macroscopic directionality of the slip. The established relations are applied to (a) prediction of boundary planes from slip patterns and (b) prediction of slip patterns from boundary planes.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalActa Materialia
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)417-429
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • Forming processes
    • Metal and alloys
    • Microstructure
    • Deformation structure
    • Dislocation boundaries


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