Six priorities proposed for marine biotechnology in Denmark

Torger Børresen

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A survey initiated by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries in 2010 resulted in six priorities for the development of marine biotechnology in Denmark. Business opportunities were suggested and some elements for a successful strategy were proposed. The six priorities are the following:
- Increased exploitation of marine biomass. In addition to traditional fisheries, full utilisation of all catches and improved utilisation of by-products are suggested. Further, new species of fish and macro algae should be harvested.
- New farming operations. Aquaculture should be applied in its widest sense. Marine farming has the advantage that it does not impact freshwater resources. If established on land, water should be re-circulated and production limited to high priced species.
- Healthy diet. Marine fatty acids, proteins, peptides and micronutrients are found in large quantities in marine organisms and should be contained directly or indirectly in the human diet.
- Discovery of new compounds, materials and biological activities. The large variation of marine organisms and the occurrence under extreme living conditions increase the chances for new commercial viable discoveries.
- Extraction of valuable biochemical components. Complex structures with special properties can be included in pharmaceutical products, cosmetics and special foods.
- Biofilm – from ships over the food industry to the interior of the human body. Biofilm is a deposit and growth of organisms on surfaces, usually with consequences unwanted for economical or health reasons.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2012
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventSUBMARINER Blue Biotechnology Cooperation Event: New Strategies and Future Perspectives - Kiel, Germany
Duration: 9 May 201210 May 2012


ConferenceSUBMARINER Blue Biotechnology Cooperation Event


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