Situation-Aware Control Solutions for Enabling Smart Network Services

Hanmin Cai

    Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis


    The last two decades have witnessed the substantial development and worldwide adoption of renewable energy, in reaction to energy safety and climate change concerns. The increasing penetration of these resources and their intermittent nature are posing more and more threats on system operation and stability. Load management has been widely studied and recognized as one of feasible solutions. Thermal loads contribute to almost half of our current energy demand. Combined with inherent slow dynamics, they have been identified as high potential load management candidate without compromising its original functionality. This project thus mainly focuses on developing control algorithms for thermal loads to actively contribute to electric system operation and balancing, or so-called Smart Network Services (SNS). The main objective is that controllers are adaptive to different scenarios and react accordingly, for example in case of broken communication. The algorithms will also be tested in the EnergyLab Nordhavn to demonstrate how, in a multi-energy system, these Smart Network Services can contribute to improve the overall performance.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherTechnical University of Denmark
    Publication statusPublished - 2020


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