Single fibre and multifibre unit cell analysis of strength and cracking of unidirectional composites

H.W. Wang, H.W. Zhou, Leon Mishnaevsky, Povl Brøndsted, L.N. Wang

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Numerical simulations of damage evolution in composites reinforced with single and multifibre are presented. Several types of unit cell models are considered: single fibre unit cell, multiple fibre unit cell with one and several damageable sections per fibres, unit cells with homogeneous and inhomogeneous interfaces, etc. Two numerical damage models, cohesive elements, and damageable layers are employed for the simulation of the damage evolution in single fibre and multifibre unit cells. The two modelling approaches were compared and lead to the very close results. Competition among the different damageable parts in composites (matrix cracks, fibre/matrix interface damage and fibre fracture) was observed in the simulations. The strength of interface begins to influence the deformation behaviour of the cell only after the fibre is broken. In this case, the higher interface layer strength leads to the higher stiffness of the damaged material. The damage in the composites begins by fibre breakage, which causes the interface damage, followed by matrix cracking.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalComputational Materials Science
    Issue number4
    Pages (from-to)810-820
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Wind energy
    • Light strong materials for wind turbines and for transportation


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