Simultaneous 60-GHz RoF Transmission of Lightwaves Emitted by ECL, DFB, and VCSEL

Alexander Lebedev, Xiaodan Pang, Juan José Vegas Olmos, Søren Forchhammer, Idelfonso Tafur Monroy

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Simultaneous 60-GHz radio over fiber upconversion and fiber transmission of lightwaves produced by an external cavity laser, a distributed feedback laser, and a $C$ -band vertical cavity surface emitting laser are demonstrated. The 1.25-Gb/s data are transmitted concurrently on each of the lightwaves attaining a bit error rate performance ${ level. Carrier suppression of 20 dB is achieved for all three lightwaves placed in a wide wavelength range. The $10^{-9}$ receiver sensitivity level for detection of three lightwaves falls in a ${ region. Reported close performance of the investigated techniques enables diversification of options for lightwave generation in millimeter-wave fiber-wireless networks.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalI E E E Photonics Technology Letters
    Issue number7
    Pages (from-to)733-736
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • Millimeter wave communication
    • Optical fiber communication


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