Signatures of T cell immunity revealed using sequence similarity with TCRDivER algorithm

Milena Vujović*, Paolo Marcatili*, Benny Chain*, Joseph Kaplinsky*, Thomas Lars Andresen*

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Changes in the T cell receptor (TCR) repertoires have become important markers for monitoring disease or therapy progression. With the rise of immunotherapy usage in cancer, infectious and autoimmune disease, accurate assessment and comparison of the “state" of the TCR repertoire has become paramount. One important driver of change within the repertoire is T cell proliferation following immunisation. A way of monitoring this is by investigating large clones of individual T cells believed to bind epitopes connected to the disease. However, as a single target can be bound by many different TCRs, monitoring individual clones cannot fully account for T cell cross-reactivity. Moreover, T cells responding to the same target often exhibit higher sequence similarity, which highlights the importance of accounting for TCR similarity within the repertoire. This complexity of binding relationships between a TCR and its target convolutes comparison of immune responses between individuals or comparisons of TCR repertoires at different timepoints. Here we propose TCRDivER algorithm (T cell Receptor Diversity Estimates for Repertoires), a global method of T cell repertoire comparison using diversity profiles sensitive to both clone size and sequence similarity. This approach allowed for distinction between spleen TCR repertoires of immunised and non-immunised mice, showing the need for including both facets of repertoire changes simultaneously. The analysis revealed biologically interpretable relationships between sequence similarity and clonality. These aid in understanding differences and separation of repertoires stemming from different biological context. With the rise of availability of sequencing data we expect our tool to find broad usage in clinical and research applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number357
JournalCommunications Biology
Issue number1
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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