Shaping Project Citizenship through Education

Julie Bladt Goodall, Christian Langhoff Thuesen, Joana Geraldi

Research output: Working paper/PreprintPreprint


This paper departs from the unease of a university educators’ team, with clashes between the dominant approach to teaching project management born out of the disciplinary society with a focus on predictability and repeatability, and the lived experience of projects intertwined in the students’ and educators’ lives in a project society, that is rather characterized by dynamism, ambiguity and uncertainty. The paper explores, retrospectively, the educators’ ensuing struggle to determine and establish a balance in their teaching that can attend to the dual realities of the discipline and project societies, as well as acknowledge the research developments of project studies. Their practices and reflections let to a preliminary characterization of “project citizenship”, as a proposal for a wider purpose and responsibility for project management education.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages30
Publication statusIn preparation - 2025


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