Service-Oriented Strategies for Manufacturing Firms

Adrian Tan, Tim C. McAloone, Detlef Matzen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterEducationpeer-review


    This chapter establishes PSS (Product/Service-Systems) approaches in the context of manufacturing firms and their existing product-oriented business. PSS can be seen as a strategy for manufacturing firms to gain competitive advantage in the market, but what market conditions and organisational factors (e.g. structure, processes, capabilities, measurement and reward systems, people and competencies and culture) support service-orientation? The development of PSS is not just a task of initiating a service-oriented development project, but requires careful coordination with business units, customers and partners in business planning and strategy to reap the full benefits. Finally a path to how manufacturers can make the change from product to service-orientation is traced.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationIntroduction to Product/Service-System Design
    EditorsTomohiko Sakao, Mattias Lindahl
    Number of pages277
    Publication date2009
    ISBN (Print)978-1-84882-908-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


    • Product/Service-Systems (PSS)
    • service-oriented strategies
    • PSS
    • Competencies
    • Design
    • Ecodesign
    • Environment
    • Miljørigtig produktudvikling
    • Product development
    • Sustainable development
    • Value chain


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