Seroprevalence of border disease in Danish sheep and goat herds

C. Tegtmeier, H. Stryhn, Åse Uttenthal, A.M. Kjeldsen, Thomas Krogh Nielsen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    A study was conducted in 1994-96 with the aim of assessing the serological prevalence of Border Disease (BD) among sheep and goats in Denmark and to investigate possible relations to herd factors. From each of 1000 herds, 2 blood samples were obtained from animals older than 1 year. The examination for antibodies was performed using a blocking ELISA detecting antibodies to pestivirus. Data from 815 herds were analysed statistically by the maximum likelihood method in a multinomial model. The estimated herd prevalence was 0.083 and the estimated individual prevalence within the positive herds was 0.50. There was no difference between the prevalence in sheep and goat herds. Records for well over half of the herds could be combined with data from the Danish Central Husbandry Register. No association between occurrence of ED and herd size was found. Cattle were registered as contemporarily present on 135 out of 521 herds which was shown to be strongly associated to ED. The estimated herd prevalences of ED among farms with and without contemporary cattle were 0.24 and 0.042, respectively.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalActa Veterinaria Scandinavica
    Issue number4
    Pages (from-to)339-344
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


    • pestivirus
    • maximum likelihood
    • bovine virus diarrhoea
    • register data
    • individual prevalence
    • serology
    • herd prevalence
    • border disease virus


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