Sensor Fault Masking of a Ship Propulsion System

N.E. Wu, A. Thavamani, Y. Zhang, Mogens Blanke

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    This paper presents the results of a study on fault-tolerant control of a ship propulsion benchmark (Izadi-Zamanabadi and Blanke, 1999), which uses estimated or virtual measurements as feedback variables. The estimator operates on a selfadjustable design model so that its outputs can be made immune to the e.ects of a specific set of component and sensor faults. The adequacy of sensor redundancy is measured using the control reconfigurability (Wu, Zhou, and Salomon, 2000), and the number of sensor based measurements are increased when this level is found inadequate. As a result, sensor faults that are captured in the estimator's design model can be tolerated without the need for any reconfiguration actions. Simulations for the ship propulsion benchmark show that, with additional sensors added as described, satisfactory fault-tolerance is achieved under two additive sensor faults, an incipient fault, and a parametric fault, without having to alter the original controller in the benchmark.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings IFAC Safeprocess
    Publication date2003
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


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