Sensitivity analysis for oblique incidence reflectometry using Monte Carlo simulations

Faisal Kamran, Peter E. Andersen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    Oblique incidence reflectometry has developed into an effective, noncontact, and noninvasive measurement technology for the quantification of both the reduced scattering and absorption coefficients of a sample. The optical properties are deduced by analyzing only the shape of the reflectance profiles. This article presents a sensitivity analysis of the technique in turbid media. Monte Carlo simulations are used to investigate the technique and its potential to distinguish the small changes between different levels of scattering. We present various regions of the dynamic range of optical properties in which system demands vary to be able to detect subtle changes in the structure of the medium, translated as measured optical properties. Effects of variation in anisotropy are discussed and results presented. Finally, experimental data of milk products with different fat content are considered as examples for comparison
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalApplied Optics
    Issue number23
    Pages (from-to)7099-7105
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • Diffusion
    • Turbid media
    • Multiple scattering
    • Optical properties


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