Self-sustained carbon monoxide oxidation oscillations on size-selected platinum nanoparticles at atmospheric pressure

Robert Jensen, Thomas Andersen, Anders Ulrik Fregerslev Nierhoff, Thomas Pedersen, Ole Hansen, Søren Dahl, Ib Chorkendorff

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


High-quality mass spectrometry data of the oscillatory behavior of CO oxidation on SiO2 supported Pt-nanoparticles at atmospheric pressure have been acquired as a function of pressure, coverage, gas composition and nanoparticle size. The oscillations are self-sustained for several days at constant, temperature, pressure and CO/O2 ratio. The frequency of the oscillations is very well defined and increases over time. The oscillation frequency is furthermore strongly temperature dependent with increasing temperature resulting in increasing frequency. A plausible mechanism for the oscillations is proposed based on an oxidation–reduction cycle of the nanoparticles which change the rate of CO oxidation on the particles.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Pages (from-to)2698-2702
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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