Selection of Technology in Global Manufacturing Industries

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    Transferring a manufacturing system to another country has proven to be problematic for most multinational firms. Selection of the appropriate production process and technology is a critical decision as transplantation of an existing system from another country without adaptation usually does not work well. The host country's business and cultural environment must be taken into account in designing a production system which requires attention to the management elements of technology transfer. This paper presents a model for transfer of manufacturing technology to a foreign site based on a sociotechnical system approach. It views the decisions for selecting and implementing a production system as a five stage process. The first step is determining the strategic goals of the foreign plant followed by selection of the production process and manufacturing system types. The last stages involve choosing the key operational methods and human resource policies.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings og the 14th International Conference on Production Research
    Place of PublicationOsaka
    PublisherThe 60th Anniversary Memorial Halls, Osaka Institute of Technology & Setsunan University
    Publication date1997
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    Event14th International Conference on Production Research - Osaka, Japan
    Duration: 4 Aug 19978 Aug 1997


    Conference14th International Conference on Production Research


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