Seismic geomorphology of submarine landslides in the Chalk Group of the Danish Central Graben: implications for reservoir potential

Florian W.H. Smit*, Lars Stemmerik

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This study documents a variety of deposits created by submarine landslides within the Upper Cretaceous to lowermost Paleocene Chalk Group in the Danish Central Graben and investigates the impact of remo-bilization on porosity. Improved visualization of the landslides in 3D seismic data compared with previous studies was facilitated by better seismic data quality for the Chalk Group, the availability of a large stack of stratigraphy-consistent horizons and the use of spectral decomposition data. The illustrated examples are chosen to reflect the spectrum of deformation styles seen in the chalk and all have a well penetrating the affected suc-cession. They include a large collapse (375 km2) of an inversion ridge within the Kraka and Gorm formations, a field of large slide blocks (100–1000 m, 10–26 m) of likely lowermost Danian age embedded in the uppermost Ekofisk Formation, a debris flow system within the uppermost Tor Formation probably originating from the Ringkøbing–Fyn High and fine-grained bottom current sediment waves within the lowermost Danian Ekofisk Formation. In general, porosities are higher (10–25 porosity units) in the remobilized chalk compared with time-equivalent pelagic chalk in nearby reference wells. In earlier studies this has been linked to lack of bioturbation (resulting in limited grain repacking) in the remobilized chalks owing to high sedimentation rates, resulting in a relatively open fabric during initial burial. In contrast, surrounding and covering pelagic deposits could be much more effectively bioturbated, leading to tighter grain packing during burial. The insights of this study help in the seismic characterization of mud-grade carbonate oozes and have important applications in the reservoir modelling of mud-grade carbonate reservoirs (also in light of carbon capture and storage), and in palaeo-reconstructions of pelagic seafloors since submarine landslides provide kinematic indicators.

Original languageEnglish
Book seriesGeological Society Special Publication
Issue number1
Pages (from-to)43-75
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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