Segmentation Using Symmetry Deviation: Abstract

Christian Hollensen, L. Højgaard, L. Specht, Rasmus Larsen

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearchpeer-review


    Purpose: The manual delineation of gross tumour volume(GTV) for radiation therapy for head and neck cancer patients relies in some degree of pathological deviation from normal anatomical symmetry. The purpose of this study is to introduce a novel method for 3-dimensional determination of GTV and evaluate the method. The method uses deformable registration on computed tomography(CT) to find anatomical symmetry deviations of Head & Neck squamous cell carcinoma and combining it with positron emission tomography (PET) images. The method allows the use anatomical and symmetrical information of CT scans to improve automatic delineations. Materials: PET/CT scans from 30 patients were used for this study, 20 without cancer in hypopharyngeal volume and 10 with hypharyngeal carcinoma. An head and neck atlas was created from the 20 normal patients. The atlas was created using affine and non-rigid registration of the CT-scans into a single atlas. Afterwards the standard deviation of anatomical symmetry for the 20 normal patients was evaluated using non-rigid registration and registered onto the atlas to create an atlas for normal anatomical symmetry deviation. The same non-rigid registration was used on the 10 hypopharyngeal cancer patients to find anatomical symmetry and evaluate it against the standard deviation of the normal patients to locate pathologic volumes. Combining the information with an absolute PET threshold of 3 Standard uptake value (SUV) a volume was automatically delineated. The overlap of automated segmentations on manual contours was evaluated using concordance index and sensitivity for the hypopharyngeal patients. The resulting concordance index and sensitivity was compared with the result of using a threshold of 3 SUV using a paired t-test. Results: The anatomical and symmetrical atlas was constructed. The standard deviation of the anatomical symmetry, seen in figure for one patient along CT and PET, was extracted for normal patients and compared with the deviation from cancer patients giving a new way of determining cancer pathology location. Using the novel method an overlap concordance index and sensitivity of respectively 0.43±0.15 and 0.56±0.18 was acquired. It was compared to the concordance index of segmentation using absolute threshold of 3 SUV giving respectively 0.41±0.16 and 0.51±0.19 for concordance index and sensitivity yielding p-values of 0.33 and 0.01 for a paired t-test respectively.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalRadiotherapy and Oncology
    Issue numberSupplement 1
    Pages (from-to)S485
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    Event2011 ESTRO Anniversary Congress - London, United Kingdom
    Duration: 8 May 201112 May 2011


    Conference2011 ESTRO Anniversary Congress
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

    Bibliographical note

    Poster presentation.


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