Secondary-electron-emission spectroscopy of tungsten: Angular dependence and phenomenology

Roy F. Willis, Niels Egede Christensen

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Angle-resolved energy-distribution measurements of secondary-electron emission (SEE) from metals reveal spectral fine structure that relates directly to the density distribution of the one-electron states throughout E-K→ space located above the vacuum level Ev. The angular dependence of the SEE spectra from (100), (110), and (111) tungsten surfaces has been studied as a function of polar angle 0°≲Θ≲70° along azimuthal directions φ such that the energy- and angle-resolved SEE current jSEE (E, Ω) effectively scans states throughout the 1 / 48th irreducible body-centered-cubic zone. Calculations have been carried out in both "reduced" and "extended" K→ space in order to assess the relative contribution of elastic umklapp scattering to the density distribution of contributing states profiles. The results indicate that the overall secondary-electron yield may be represented as the sum of basically two contributions JSEEtotal=∫0πdΩ∫0EmaxjSEE (E, Ω)dE=JSEEbulk+JSEEsurface. The bulk contribution represents emission due to Bloch waves propagating out of states in the semi-infinite crystal; the surface contribution represents that part of the current due to evanescent waves at the metal-vacuum interface. In addition, transmission-induced spectral features are observed (transmission resonances), which are not related to the density-of-states fine structure, but are due to a quantum-mechanical enhancement in the escape probability arising from wave-function matching at the emitter-vacuum interface. Bulk and surface band-structure effects are concurrently manifest in the SEE spectra via the wave-matching conditions imposed at the solid-vacuum interface. The results are discussed within the general conceptual framework provided by "the (time-reversed) incoming final-state wave-function" approach to electron emission phenomenology of metal surfaces, thereby establishing a relationship with recently developed low-energy electron diffraction, photoemission, and field-emission formalism.
Original languageEnglish
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number10
Pages (from-to)5140-5161
Publication statusPublished - 1978

Bibliographical note

Copyright (1978) by the American Physical Society.


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