Scenarios of power and district heating production in 6 European countries

Stefan Petrovic, Marie Münster, Cristian Hernán Cabrera Pérez

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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The project progRESsHEAT aims at assisting policy makers at the local, regional, national and EU-level in developing integrated, effective and efficient policy strategies achieving a fast and strong penetration of renewable and efficient heating and cooling systems. Together with 6 local authorities in 6 target countries across Europe (AT, DE, CZ, DK, PT, RO) heating and cooling strategies will be developed through a profound analysis of (1) heating and cooling demands and future developments, (2) long-term potentials of renewable energies and waste heat in the regions, (3) barriers & drivers and (4) a model based assessment of policy intervention in scenarios up to 2050. progRESsHEAT will assist national policy makers in implementing the right policies with a model-based quantitative impact assessment of local, regional and national policies up to 2050. Policy makers and other stakeholders will be strongly involved in the process, learn from the experience in other regions and gain deep understanding of the impact of policy instruments and their specific design. They are involved in the project via policy group meetings, workshops, interviews and webinars targeted to the fields of assistance in policy development, capacity building and dissemination.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages39
Publication statusPublished - 2017

Bibliographical note

Petrovic et. al., 2017: S. Petrovic, M. Münster and C. Cabrera: “Scenarios of power and district heating production in 6 European countries” (Deliverable D2.5. Background report for national modelling of the 6 European countries (AT, DE, CZ, DK, PT, RO), Available at:


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