Sammenhænge mellem Produktivitet og Psykosocialt Arbejdsmiljø, SaPPA: Afslutningsrapport til Arbejdsmiljøforskningsfonden

Kasper Edwards, Niels Møller, Tage Søndergård Kristensen, Jan Mouritsen, Hermann Burr, Jan Hyld Pejtersen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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    Nykredit have participated in a research project with DTU, CBS and NFA in the period from 2008 to 2012. The purpose of the project has been to research the relationship between productivity and psychosocial work environment.
    The project has employed a prospective research design and used both qualitative and quantitative methods. Cross sectional analysis for correlations between psychosocial work environment have been conducted for year 2005, 2007 and 2010.
    Twelve customer centers were selected for qualitative analysis based on an extreme case approach. Interviews with management and chronicle workshops with a group of employees were performed in both year 2009 and 2011.
    Psychosocial work environment was operationalized in four dimensions: horizontal and vertical social capital, wellbeing at work and leadership. Productivity was operationalized in the key performance indicator activity/salary (A/L), which express a relationship between income and total salary expenses.
    Overall we find a strong and significant statistical correlation between psychosocial work environment and productivity.
    The cross sectional analysis shows that horizontal social, vertical social capital, wellbeing at work and leadership exhibit a positive correlation with productivity in all measured years. The correlation is substantial and for instance, a 1 point improvement in wellbeing at work (5 point Likert scale) is associated
    The qualitative analysis shows that the manager of a customer center has profound Impact on profitability, horizontal -, vertical social capital and wellbeing at work. The manager has the option to decide just how work is done, organized and also define the social environment. It is the management style that creates differences in productivity among the 57 customer centers. Productivity is mediated from leadership through horizontal -, vertical social capital and wellbeing at work.
    In the selected customer centers two extremes in leadership has been identified: Transactional and transformational leadership. Analysis shows that best productivity is archived through continuous shifting between the two management styles.
    Although the manger may choose management style, there is a pressure towards transactional leadership because of a general focus on output – only results matter. Despite this pressure, the project shows a substantial variation in psychosocial work environment which correlates with productivity.
    The statistical analysis does not identify the direction of the relation between psychosocial work environment and productivity, but the qualitative provides a number of examples of changes in psychosocial work environment that are followed by changes in productivity. It is therefore concluded that good psychosocial work environment leads to high productivity
    Original languageDanish
    PublisherDTU Management Engineering
    Number of pages20
    Publication statusPublished - 2014

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