Safety Assessment of Advanced Imaging Sequences II: Simulations

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    An automatic approach for simulating the emitted pressure, intensity, and MI of advanced ultrasound imaging sequences is presented. It is based on a linear simulation of pressure fields using Field II, and it is hypothesized that linear simulation can attain the needed accuracy for predicting Mechanical Index (MI) and Ispta.3 as required by FDA. The method is performed on four different imaging schemes and compared to measurements conducted using the SARUS experimental scanner. The sequences include focused emissions with an F-number of 2 with 64 elements that generate highly non-linear fields. The simulation time is between 0.67 ms to 2.8 ms per emission and imaging point, making it possible to simulate even complex emission sequences in less than 1 s for a single spatial position. The linear simulations yield a relative accuracy on MI between -12.1% to 52.3% and for Ispta.3 between -38.6% to 62.6%, when using the impulse response of the probe estimated from an independent measurement. The accuracy is increased to between -22% to 24.5% for MI and between -33.2% to 27.0% for Ispta.3, when using the pressure response measured at a single point to scale the simulation. The spatial distribution of MI and Ita.3 closely matches that for the measurement, and simulations can therefore be used to select the region for measuring the intensities, resulting in a significant reduction in measurement time. It can validate emission sequences by showing symmetry of emitted pressure fields, focal position, and intensity distribution.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)120 - 127
    Publication statusPublished - 2016

    Bibliographical note

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