An ultrasound imaging system includes a transducer array. The array is configured for row-column addressing. The array of transducer elements includes a plurality of first 1-D arrays and a plurality of second 1-D arrays, which is orthogonal to the plurality of first 1-D arrays. The array of transducer elements further includes a plurality of front-end circuits. A single front-end circuit of the front-end circuits is in electrical communication with a single pair of 1-D arrays, which consists of a first 1-D array of the plurality of first 1-D arrays and a second 1-D array of the plurality of second 1-D arrays. The first and second 1-D arrays are either separate sets of 1-D arrays or part of a same 2-D array. In one instance, for N rows and N columns, a number of electrical connections between the elements and front-end electronics are less than 2N.
Original language | English |
IPC | A61B 8/ 00 A I |
Patent number | US2018271493 |
Filing date | 24/03/2017 |
Country/Territory | United States |
Priority date | 24/03/2017 |
Priority number | US201715468715 |
Publication status | Published - 27 Sept 2018 |