Roll bonding of strained aluminium

Jakob M. Staun

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


    This report investigates roll bonding of pre-strained (å ~ 4) aluminium sheets to produce high strain material from high purity aluminium (99.996%) and commercial pure aluminium (99.6%). The degree of bonding is investigated by optical microscopy and ultrasonic scanning. Under the right circumstances both materials show good bonding, but the high purity material is excluded because of recrystallisation and the resulting loss of mechanical properties. The effect of cross stacking and roll bonding pre-strained sheets of the commercial purity material is investigated and some dependence of the cross rolled volume fraction is found. To further asses this effect, and the anisotropy, it is necessary to acquire knowledge about both texture and microstructure, e.g. by TEM. Roll bonding of pre-strained aluminium is found to be a possible alternative to ARB in the quest for ultra-fine grained materials. With deeper knowledge of the parameters at play it will be possible to tailor the properties of the material produced. This combined with the potential for production of bulk material, could make the process an interesting alternative to other methods of producing high strained material.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages46
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • Materials technology


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