The present disclosure relates to a method and a system for manufacturing a mould (17) for creation of complex objects, such as concrete objects, by controlling and moving two end effectors (1) of a robotic system, the two end effectors (1) having a flexible cutting element (3) attached to and extending between the two end effectors (1), the method comprising the steps of: defining at least one surface (8) representing the inner surface of the mould (17); dividing the surface (8) into a number of segments represented by planar curves (9, 11, 12) on the surface (8); for each planar curve, calculating at least one elastic curve representing the planar curve; for each calculated elastic curve, calculating a set of data corresponding to placement and direction of the two end effectors (1) for configuring the flexible cutting element to a shape corresponding to the calculated elastic curve; sequentially positioning the end effectors (1) according to each set of data,
Original language | English |
IPC | G06T 17/ 30 A I |
Patent number | WO2017157917 |
Filing date | 21/09/2017 |
Country/Territory | International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) |
Priority date | 14/03/2016 |
Priority number | EP20160160088 |
Publication status | Published - 21 Sept 2017 |