title = "Ris{\o} annual report 1999",
abstract = "Ris{\o}'s purpose is to carry out research in the natural sciences and technology, affording Danish society new opportunities for technological development. The research is carried out in areas where Ris{\o} either has, or can achieve, an independent positionnationally, and international impact. Research is targeted towards areas of application that contribute to strengthening the competitive edge of Danish industry and reducing the impact on the environment of the industrial, energy and agriculturalsectors. Ris{\o} has special responsibility for consolidation of the knowledge base for the provision of consultancy on nuclear issues. Ris{\o} is also responsible for the treatment and temporary storage of Danish low and medium level radioactive waste. Ris{\o}provides consultancy to government authorities on issues lying within the research institution's areas of activity. Ris{\o} operates major experimental facilities for the benefit of Danish and foreign users. Ris{\o}'s research is intended to serve as a basisfor active participation in the training of scientists. Ris{\o} is able to participate in research programmes at home and abroad and can accept paid R&D and consultancy assignments for the private and public sectors within the centre's areas of activity.",
keywords = "XXX, Ris{\o}-R-1152, Ris{\o}-R-1152(EN)",
author = "{Forskningscenter Ris{\o}}, Roskilde",
year = "2000",
language = "English",
isbn = "87-550-2638-9",
series = "Denmark. Forskningscenter Risoe. Risoe-R",
number = "1152(EN)",