Reviewing energy system modelling of decentralized energy autonomy

Jann Michael Weinand, Fabian Scheller, Russell McKenna

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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Research attention on decentralized autonomous energy systems has increased exponentially in the past three decades, as demonstrated by the absolute number of publications and the share of these studies in the corpus of energy system modelling literature. This paper shows the status quo and future modelling needs for research on local autonomous energy systems. A total of 359 studies are investigated, of which a subset of 123 in detail. The studies are assessed with respect to the characteristics of their methodology and applications, in order to derive common trends and insights. Most case studies apply to middle-income countries and only focus on the supply of electricity in the residential sector. Furthermore, many of the studies are comparable regarding objectives and applied methods. Local energy autonomy is associated with high costs, leading to levelized costs of electricity of 0.41 $/kWh on average. By analysing the studies, many improvements for future studies could be identified: the studies lack an analysis of the impact of autonomous energy systems on surrounding energy systems. In addition, the robust design of autonomous energy systems requires higher time resolutions and extreme conditions. Future research should also develop methodologies to consider local stakeholders and their preferences for energy systems.
Original languageEnglish
Article number117817
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Literature review
  • Energy autonomy
  • Off-grid systems
  • 100% renewable
  • Energy system analysis
  • Levelized cost of electricty
  • Municipality
  • Remote area


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