Results of the benchmark for blade structural models, part A

D.J. Lekou, D. Chortis, A. Belen Fariñas, C. Amézqueta, I. Nuin, Christian Pavese, Peter Berring, Kim Branner, C. L. Bottasso, A. Croce, F. Gualdini, T. P. Philippidis, I.T. Masmanid, G.A. Roukis, G.D. de Winkel, H. Dekker

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review

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    A benchmark on structural design methods for blades was performed within the InnWind.Eu project under WP2 “Lightweight Rotor” Task 2.2 “Lightweight structural design”. The present document is describes the results of the comparison simulation runs that were performed by the partners involved within Task 2.2 of the InnWind.Eu project. The benchmark is based on the reference wind turbine and the reference blade provided by DTU [1]. "Structural Concept developers/modelers" of WP2 were provided with the necessary input for a comparison numerical simulation run, upon definition of the reference blade [2]. Output is compared in here in terms of weight, stiffness, natural frequencies, deflection (extreme load) and strength & stability (extreme load).
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages138
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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