Responses to hypoxia of plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, and dab, Limanda limanda, in the south-east Kattegat: distribution and growth

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Plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, and dab, Limanda limanda, were sampled with a Glommen lobster trawl at 25 to 40 m depth in the SE Kattegat during spring and autumn of 1984 to 1990. During autumn, hypoxia (O2-concentration <3 mg I−1) occurred in the bottom water below the halocline for four to ten weeks every year, except in 1984 when moderate hypoxia (O2-concentration 3–5 mg 1−1) occurred. Biomass of both species was shown to be negatively correlated with oxygen concentration during autumn. Further, a decrease in population mean total length was observed during the study period in both spring and autumn samples. Laboratory studies of growth of juvenile plaice and dab, at 15° C and 30–34%, showed that growth is reduced at 50 and 30% O2-saturation for both species during a 20 d period. There was some adaptation to hypoxia resulting in less reduction of growth during the second half of the experiment. The frequency of fish eating was reduced in plaice at 30% O2-saturation. Reduced mean total length of the plaice and dab population of the SE Kattegat is discussed in view of sublethal effects of oxygen deficiency.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEnvironmental Biology of Fishes
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)311-321
Publication statusPublished - 1995
Externally publishedYes


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