Response Analysis and Comparison of a Spar-Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine and an Onshore Wind Turbine under Blade Pitch Controller Faults

M. Etemaddar, Mogens Blanke, Z. Gao, T. Moan

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    This paper analyses the effects of three pitch controller faults on the responses of an onshorewind turbine and a spar-type offshore floating wind turbine. These faults include:a stuck blade pitch actuator,a fixed value fault and a bias fault of the blade pitch sensor.The faults are modeled in the controller dynamic link library and a short-term extreme response analysis is performed using the HAWC2 simulation tool.The main objectives of this paper are to investigate how different faults affect the performance of wind turbines for condition monitoring purposes and which differences exist in the structural responses between onshore and offshore floating wind turbines. Statistical analysis of the selected response parameters are conducted using the six1-hour stochastic samples for each load case.For condition monitoring purpose,the effects of faults on the responses at different wind speeds and fault amplitudes are investigated by comparing the same response under normal operation.The severities of the individual faults are categorized by the extreme values of structural loads and the structural components are sorted based on the magnitude of the fault effects on the extreme values.The pitch sensor fixed value fault is determined as the most severe fault case and the shaft appears as the structural component that experiences the highest risk.The effects of fault conditions on the offshore floating and the onshore wind turbines are compared to investigate the potential differences.The results showthat faults cause more damage to the tower and the yaw bearing for the onshore wind turbine and more damage to the shaft for the offshore floating wind turbine.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalWind Energy
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)35–50
    Number of pages15
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


    • Spar
    • Floating Wind Turbine
    • Onshore Wind Turbine
    • Offshore
    • OC3-Hywind
    • Pitch Actuator Fault
    • Pitch Sensor Fault
    • Pitch Controller Fault
    • Response Characteristics
    • Extreme response


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