Resonant power converter with dead-time control of synchronous rectification circuit

Marzieh Ekhtiari (Inventor), Tiberiu-Gabriel Zsurzsan (Inventor), Michael A. E. Andersen (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    The invention relates in a first aspect to a resonant power converter comprising a synchronous rectifier for supplying a DC output voltage. The synchronous rectifier is configured for alternatingly connecting a resonant output voltage to positive and negative DC output nodes via first and second semiconductor switches, respectively, separated by intervening dead-time periods in accordance with first and second rectification control signals. A dead-time controller is coupled to the resonant output voltage or the resonant input voltage and configured for adaptively adjusting lengths of the dead-time periods via the first and second rectification control signals.

    Original languageEnglish
    IPCH02M 3/ 335 A I
    Patent numberWO2017121720
    Filing date20/07/2017
    Country/TerritoryInternational Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
    Priority date12/01/2016
    Priority numberEP20160150905
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Jul 2017


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