Representation of material balance for fractional crystallization of reciprocal salt pair systems: KNO3 production case study

Sattar Ghader, Seyed Soheil Mansouri, Vahid Shadravan, Ali Farsi

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In this study, determination of material balance for reciprocal salt pair systems is considered and special case of KNO3 production is solved. A scheme is presented for calculation of material balance which is based on the conservation of ions and water. Material balance requires equilibrium composition and phase diagram of solid-liquid equilibria that is calculated by extended UNIQUAC thermodynamic model. Hence, composition of streams in process was calculated. Based on ion conservation in crystallizers, a simple and handy method was presented to calculate flow rate of all salts and water.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Applied Sciences
Issue number23
Pages (from-to)2989-2997
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


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