Report on best practice for improved μ-IM injection moulding simulation: Final. COTECH EU FP7 Integrated Project (Grant Agreement no.: CP-IP 214491-2)

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    Data analysis and simulations on micro-moulding experiments have been conducted. Micro moulding simulations have been executed taking into account actual processing conditions implementation in the software. Numerous aspects of the simulation set-up have been considered in order to improve the simulation accuracy (i.e. decrease deviations from experimental values): injection speed profiles, cavity injection pressure, melt and mould temperatures, 3D mesh size, material rheological and pvT characterization, inertia effect and heat transfer coefficient. Quality factors investigated for the comparison were: short shots length, injection pressure profile, moulding mass, weld lines positions. Eventually, simulations of bulky sub-100 milligrams micro moulded parts have been fully optimized. Filling simulations of high aspect ratio micro features still represent a challenge for the existing software. However, the major role of heat transfer coefficient has been highlighted and simulated results in terms of flow length prediction improved. A best practice methodology for improved micro moulding simulations has been established.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages100
    Publication statusPublished - 2010
    SeriesCOnverging TECHnologies for micro systems manufacturing

    Bibliographical note

    SP4 – Material Optimization, Simulation, Quality Control and Reliability, WP4.4 – Processes Simulation.


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