Adamidou, A, Adamowicz, M
, Håkansson, KB, Couperus, B, Dammers, M, Demanèche, S, Dubroca, L
, Egekvist, J, Elson, J, Fernandes, AC, Fuglebakk, E, Gerritsen, H, Gitarakos, G, Grygiel, W, Kovsars, M, Krumme, U, Mugerza, E, Kjems-Nielsen, H, Prista, N, Rantanen, P, Ribeiro Santos, A, Rodriguez, J, Stötera, S, Thasitis, I, Vandemaele, S, Vasconcelos, R, Verkempynck, R, Vølstad, JH & Zarauz, L 2018,
Report of the Working Group on Commercial Catches. ICES Scientific Report, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), Copenhagen, Denmark.