Replication of surface micro-structures in isothermal moulding: Experiments and Numerical Simulations

Torbjörn Gerhard Eriksson, Henrik Koblitz Rasmussen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review


    The forming of well-defined micro surface structures on polymer materials is important for the production of devices for biology and optics and well established in commercial polymer-processing operations. This is the case in for example the production of DVD discs used for high-density data storage and micro fluidic systems respectively. These devices are typically processed using injection moulding or hot embossing. In this work, we focus on isothermal moulding. This allows an investigation of the effect of the rheological properties of the polymer melt during processing on the ability of the material to fill small structures in a mould surface.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationNordic Polymer Days, Book of Abstract
    EditorsRodney Rychwalski
    Number of pages2
    Publication date2005
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    EventNordic Polymer Days 2005 - Göteborg, Sweden
    Duration: 17 Aug 200519 Aug 2005


    ConferenceNordic Polymer Days 2005


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