RENO-EVALUE – Et værdibaseret værktøj til målformulering og evaluering af bygningsrenovering: ACES-projektet. Arbejdspakke WP 2. Dansk hovedrapport. Aflevering DTU-D2-1

Per Anker Jensen, Esmir Maslesa

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    This report is the main Danish report from the European research project ACES, which focuses on creating an improved information basis for decision makers involved in initiating building renovation. The project is part of the European programme on Value Driven Processes. It has been undertaken by The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Denmark, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden and Frederick Research Centre (FRC) on Cyprus. The project startet in September 2011 and was finished in autumn 2013. DTU has been responsible for Work Package 2 (WP2) concerning evaluation of economical and environmental benefits of building renovation. This report in Danish presents the results of DTU’s activities on this work package. Value is a complex and ambiguous concept, which involves a strong subjective element. Therefore, the research has stressed to make the interests and preferences of the primary stakeholders involved in renovation projects visible. Initially a needs and stakeholder analysis was carried out to collect knowledge about renovation to be able to target the project building on existing knowledge and making a difference. Among the conclusions was that the project should aim at developing an information tool to support the decision making processes for renovation projects in the professional sector. The new information tool is called RENO-EVALUE. It is a tool for holistic identification of objectives and evaluation of the sustainability of building renovation projects. The main intention of RENO-EVALUE is to be utilised as a tool to support a dialogue based decision making process in the early stages of renovation projects. It is a process orientered tool, which can be used by everbody with insights in the project. RENOEVALUE focuses not only on the final results of the renovation – the product, but also covers the organisation, economy and process of renovation projects. The main users of RENO-EVALUE are expected to be building client organisations, housing associations, property administrations, facilities managers etc.
    RENO-EVALUE has been developed from and tested in 4 case studies and 2 workshops with stakeholders. The 4 case studies can also be used as inspiration for decision makers, who want to use RENO-EVALUE. The tool is simple to use. It is recommended that a facilitator is appointed for the specific implementation. No special education is needed, but some experience from renovation projects is an advantage. The basic elements in RENO-EVALUE are incorporated in 3 templates included as appendices to the report. The elaboration and presentation of data can be done very simply by use of a spreadsheet programme like Excel.
    In this project it has only been possible to test the use of RENO-EVALUE in evaluation of ongoing and finished projects and not for identification of objectives for new projects in the early stages. This constitutes an obvious area for further development of the tool. We invite building clients and others interested in utilising RENO-EVALUE to contact us for possible collaboration about such further development.
    Original languageDanish
    PublisherDTU Management Engineering
    Number of pages91
    ISBN (Print)978-87-92706-52-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2013
    SeriesDTU Management Engineering Rapport

    Bibliographical note

    Per Anker Jensen and Esmir Maslesa: RENO-EVALUE – Et værktøj til målformulering og evaluering af bygningsrenovering (RENO-EVALUE – A tool for formulation of objectives and evaluation of building renovation). Research Report 8.2013. Centre for Facilities Management – Realdania Research, DTU Management Engineering. October 2013.

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