Renal MR angiography and perfusion in the pig using hyperpolarized water

Hans Kasper Wigh Lipsø, Esben Søvsø Szocska Hansen, Rasmus Stilling Tougaard, Christoffer Laustsen, Jan Henrik Ardenkjær-Larsen

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    Purpose: To study hyperpolarized water as an angiographyand perfusion tracer in a large animal model.Methods: Protons dissolved in deuterium oxide (D2O) werehyperpolarized in a SPINlab dissolution dynamic nuclear polari-zation (dDNP) polarizer and subsequently investigated in vivo ina pig model at 3 Tesla (T). Approximately 15 mL of hyperpolar-ized water was injected in the renal artery by hand over 4–5 s.Results: A liquid state polarization of 5.3 6 0.9% of 3.8 M pro-tons in 15 mL of deuterium oxide was achieved with a T1of24 6 1 s. This allowed injection through an arterial catheterinto the renal artery and subsequently high-contrast imaging ofthe entire kidney parenchyma over several seconds. Thedynamic images allow quantification of tissue perfusion, with amean cortical perfusion of 504 6 123 mL/100 mL/min.Conclusion: Hyperpolarized water MR imaging was success-fully demonstrated as a renal angiography and perfusion meth-od. Quantitative perfusion maps of the kidney were obtainedin agreement with literature and control experiments with gad-olinium contrast.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMagnetic Resonance in Medicine
    Issue number3
    Pages (from-to)1131-1135
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Perfusion
    • Magnetic resonance angiography
    • Hyperpolarization
    • DNP


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