Remote sensing used for power curves

Rozenn Wagner, Hans Ejsing Jørgensen, Uwe Schmidt Paulsen, Torben J. Larsen, Ioannis Antoniou, L. Thesbjerg

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleResearch


    Power curve measurement for large wind turbines requires taking into account more parameters than only the wind speed at hub height. Based on results from aerodynamic simulations, an equivalent wind speed taking the wind shear into account was defined and found to reduce the power standard deviation in the power curve significantly. Two LiDARs and a SoDAR are used to measure the wind profile in front of a wind turbine. These profiles are used to calculate the equivalent wind speed. The comparison of the power curves obtained with the three instruments to the traditional power curve, obtained using a cup anemometer measurement, confirms the results obtained from the simulations. Using LiDAR profiles reduces the error in power curve measurement, when these are used as relative instrument together with a cup anemometer. Results from the SoDAR do not show such promising results, probably because of noisy measurements resulting in distorted profiles.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)U470-U480
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    Event14th International symposium for the advancement of boundary layer remote sensing - Risø National Laboratory, DTU, Risø, Denmark
    Duration: 23 Jun 200825 Jun 2008
    Conference number: 14


    Conference14th International symposium for the advancement of boundary layer remote sensing
    LocationRisø National Laboratory, DTU


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