Reference frame for Product Configuration

Klaes Rohde Ladeby, Gudmundur Valur Oddsson

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingArticle in proceedingsResearchpeer-review

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    This paper presents a reference frame for configuration. The reference frame is established by review of existing literature, and consequently it is a theoretical frame of reference. The review of literature shows a deterioration of the understanding of configuration. Most recent literature reports on configuration systems in the shape of anecdotal reporting on the development of information systems that perhaps support the configuration task – perhaps not. Consequently, the definition of configuration has become ambiguous as different research groups defines configuration differently. This paper propose a reference frame for configuration that permits 1) a more precise understanding of a configuration system, 2) a understanding of how the configuration system relate to other systems, and 3) a definition of the basic concepts in configuration. The total configuration system, together with the definition of key concepts, comprises a strong frame of reference when working with analysing configuration systems
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationWorld Conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation
    Publication date2011
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    Event2011 World Conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation: Bridging Mass Customization & Open Innovation - Airport Marriott Waterfront, San Francisco, CA, United States
    Duration: 16 Nov 201119 Nov 2011


    Conference2011 World Conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation
    LocationAirport Marriott Waterfront
    Country/TerritoryUnited States
    CitySan Francisco, CA
    Internet address


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