Redesign of an upwind rotor for a downwind configuration: Design changes and cost evaluation

Gesine Wanke*, Leonardo Bergami, Frederik Zahle, David Robert Verelst

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    Within this work, an existing model of a Suzlon S111 2.1 MW turbine is used to estimate potential cost savings when the conventional upwind rotor concept is changed into a downwind rotor concept. A design framework is used to get realistic design updates for the upwind configuration, as well as two design updates for the downwind configuration, including a pure material cost out of the rotor blades and a new planform design. A full design load basis according to the standard has been used to evaluate the impact of the redesigns on the loads. A detailed cost model with load scaling is used to estimate the impact of the design changes on the turbine costs and the cost of energy. It is shown that generally lower blade mass of up to 5 less than the upwind redesign can be achieved with the downwind configurations. Compared to an upwind baseline, the upwind redesign shows an estimated cost of energy reduction of 2.3 , and the downwind designs achieve a maximum reduction of 1.3 .
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalWind Energy Science
    Issue number1
    Pages (from-to)203-220
    Number of pages18
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


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