Reconfigurable 2.5-Gb/s Baseband and 60-GHz (155-Mb/s) Millimeter-Waveband Radio-Over-Fiber (Interleaving) Access Network

Juan José Vegas Olmos, Toshiaki Kuri, Takahiro Sono, Kazunori Tamura, Hiroyuki Toda, Ken-ichi Kitayama

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


In this paper, we propose a dynamic reconfigurable wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) millimeter-waveband radio-over-fiber (RoF) and baseband access network. We also demonstrate dynamic channel allocation capability of millimeter-waveband optical RoF and baseband signals in WDM access network using a supercontinuum (SC) light source, arrayed-waveguide gratings, and a reconfigurable optical crossconnect switch. The dynamic reconfigurable RoF and baseband network architecture is presented and its features are described. Two 155-Mb/s RoF channels and two 2.5-Gb/s baseband channels are effectively generated, transmitted through 25 km of fiber, switched, and then transmitted again through 2 km of fiber and detected with error-free operation (bit error rate<10-9). The proposed architecture allows the RoF and baseband to coexist and is highly scalable, both in terms of channel counts and access point (AP) counts.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Lightwave Technology
Issue number15
Pages (from-to)2506-2512
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes


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