Real-time impact of power balancing on power system operation with large scale integration of wind power

Abdul Basit, Anca Daniela Hansen, Poul Ejnar Sørensen, Georgios Giannopoulos

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    Highly wind power integrated power system requires continuous active power regulation to tackle the power imbalances resulting from the wind power forecast errors. The active power balance is maintained in real-time with the automatic generation control and also from the control room, where regulating power bids are activated manually. In this article, an algorithm is developed to simulate the activation of regulating power bids, as performed in the control room, during power imbalance between generation and load demand. In addition, the active power balance is also controlled through automatic generation control, where coordinated control strategy between combined heat and power plants and wind power plant enhances the secure power system operation. The developed algorithm emulating the control room response, to deal with real-time power imbalance, is applied and investigated on the future Danish power system model. The power system model takes the hour-ahead regulating power plan from power balancing model and the generation and power exchange capacities for the year 2020 into account. The real-time impact of power balancing in a highly wind power integrated power system is assessed and discussed by means of simulations for different possible scenarios.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (Online)
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)202-210
    Publication statusPublished - 2017

    Bibliographical note

    © The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at


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