Random amplified polymorphic DNA markers of the Brassica alboglabra chromosome of a B. campestris-alboglabra addition line

Rikke Bagger Jørgensen, B.Y. Chen, B.F. Cheng, W.K. Heneen, V. Simonsen

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearch


    The alien C-genome chromosome in a Brassica campestris-alboglabra monosomic addition line was characterized by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The alien chromosome carried three loci, E(c), W-c and Lap-1C, controlling synthesis of erucic acid, white flower colour and a fast-migrating band of leucine aminopeptidase (Lap-1C(c)) respectively. The RAPD analysis revealed 17 markers specific to the alien chromosome. Among 45 offspring plants from the selfed addition line the alien C-chromosome was transmitted to 15 plants, four plants had only parts of this chromosome and the remaining 26 plants did not carry the chromosome.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalChromosome Research
    Issue number2
    Pages (from-to)111-114
    Publication statusPublished - 1996


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