Rammeprogram for forskning, udvikling, demonstration og information. Opfølgning af Energi 21 på området: Energibesparelser i den eksisterende bygningsmasse. Status august/september 1999

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearchpeer-review


    Framework programme "Energy saving in the existing building stock"Part of the Danish Energy Agency's plan for research, development, demonstration and information as a follow-up on the Danish government's energy plan "Energy 21".The framework programme was originally developed over the summer 1998 to outline needs for research, development, demonstration and information to promote further energy svaings in existing Danish buildings.The framework programme was presented and discussed at an open seminar in June 1998.This document serves to present the status a year later, and was presented and discussed at another open seminar in august 1999.During this year there has been no significant break-through in new technology, potentials, user behaviour or owner incitement to carry out energy retrofit of the existing building stock. Energy retrofit is normally not profitable alone, and therefore typically has to be seen in combination with renovation for other purposes. Most realistic approaches are to replace old windows or to add more insulation where it can easily be installed.The publication contains an appendix with summaries of various relevant research and development projects.
    Original languageDanish
    Number of pages40
    Publication statusPublished - 1999
    EventBygninger og solenergi, seminar - Lyngby
    Duration: 1 Jan 1999 → …


    ConferenceBygninger og solenergi, seminar
    Period01/01/1999 → …

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