Radio-fluorogenic, solid-state polymer dosimeter for recording depth-dose profiles related to radiation processing of surfaces

M. M. Skowyra*, L.R. Lindvold

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The use of ionizing radiation in industrial radiation-processing applications is well-known and low-energy electron beam accelerators are gaining in importance, as they offer several advantages over isotope radiation sources. In this study, a solid-state, polymer material, which responds to high radiation doses by the change in fluorescence intensity, is presented. The ease of photopolymerization process allows curing of the dosimeter in any shape. The signal is measured with an epi-fluorescence microscope and the image processing of the obtained scans can be used to record relative dose-depth distributions of low-energy electron radiations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number106383
JournalRadiation Measurements
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Radiation processing
  • Dosimetry
  • Fluorescence
  • Solid-state polymer dosimeter
  • Pararosaniline leuco dye


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