Rådgivningsmetoder til kemikaliesubstitution i grafisk produktion

Per Kaae Hansen, Henrik Fred Larsen, Søren Eggert Beck

    Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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    A number of industry specific methods for chemical substitution have been developed and tested in the project ’Counseling methods for chemical substitution’. The result of this work is described in this report and has in addition been integrated in a prototype for an electronic auxiliary tool. This report and particularly the final version of the electronic auxiliary tool will be a help to both the printing companies and to the industry’s counselors, who work with the often difficult process of chemical substitution.
    Original languageDanish
    Number of pages81
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


    • REACH
    • printing houses
    • chemical substitution
    • printing
    • occupational health and safety
    • chemicals

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