Quasi-steady state power law model for flow of (La0·85Sr0·15)0·9MnO3 ceramic slurry in tape casting

M Jabbari, R Bulatova, J H Hattel, C R H Bahl

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One of the most common ways used to produce multilayer ceramics is tape casting. In this
process, the wet tape thickness is one of the single most determining parameters affecting the
final properties of the product, and it is therefore of great interest to be able to control it. In the
present work, the flow in the doctor blade region of a slurry containing (La0?85Sr0?15)0?9MnO3 (LSM)
material is described with a simple quasi-steady momentum equation in combination with an
Ostwald–de Waele power law constitutive equation. Based on rheometer experiments, the
constants in the Ostwald–de Waele power law are identified for the considered LSM material and
applied in the analytical solution for the tape thickness. This solution is then used for different
values of substrate velocity and doctor blade height and compared with experimental findings of
the wet tape thickness, and good agreement is found.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMaterials Science and Technology (United Kingdom)
Issue number9
Pages (from-to)1080-1087
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Tape casting
  • Doctor blade
  • Fluid flow
  • Non-Newtonian
  • Power law


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