title = "Quadratic Assignment of Hubs in p-Hub Median Problem",
abstract = "We introduce Generalized p-Hub Median Problem (GpHMP) that seeks to locate p hub nodes and install p distinct hub facilities/operators on the hubs while discount factor resulted by consolidation of flow on the hub links depends on the facilities/operators that are installed/operating on both hub nodes end-point. In contrast, in traditional hub location problems it is commonly assumed that all the hub facilities share a similar characteristic and economy of scale resulted by consolidation of flow over hub edges is not directly relevant to the hub facilities being installed at both end-points. The mathematical model is presented and numerical results on the instances of CAB and AP data sets are reported.",
keywords = "facility location, hub-and-spoke network design, quadratic assignment problem",
author = "Shahin Gelareh",
year = "2010",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-87-90855-81-9",
series = "DTU Management 2010",
number = "12",
publisher = "DTU Management",