Product Fingerprints for the Evaluation of Tool/Polymer Replication Quality in Injection Molding at the Micro/Nano Scale

Dario Loaldi, Francesco Regi, Dongya Li, Nikolaos Giannekas, Matteo Calaon, Yang Zhang, Guido Tosello*

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    Replication processes for the manufacturing of micro/nano-structured components are characterized by a certain degree of precision and accuracy. The transcription loss, or replication fidelity, defines the geometrical and dimensional correspondence of micro/nano-structure from metal tool inserts into plastic patterned products. The employment of a vast spectrum of micro/nano-structured geometries calls for methodologies that can be used for the estimation of replication fidelity. This study presents a number of product fingerprints, which propose multiple ways to characterize micro/nano structures in replication technologies. Replication fidelity yielded values above 80% and up to 96% depending on the considered product fingerprints and their definition. Thereafter, a correlation of the product fingerprint with the process parameters was found to optimize the replication process. Measurement uncertainty accompanies the analysis of the product fingerprints, enabling a standardized, robust, and quantitative methodology for process learning, modeling, and optimization.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalNanomanufacturing and Metrology
    Pages (from-to)278–288
    Publication statusPublished - 2021


    • Micro/nano replication
    • Product fingerprinting
    • Metrology
    • Micro injection molding


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