Process to remove turbidity-causing components from a fluid by micro-filtration - passes the fluid across an asymmetric membrane with inlet pores larger than those of nominal size, and cleans the membrane by backwashing

Gede Wenten (Inventor), Dirk M. Koenhen (Inventor), Hendrik D. W. Roesink (Inventor), Alan Rasmussen (Inventor), Gunnar Eigil Jonsson (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


Process is based on microfiltration using an asymmetric membrane. The membrane has inlet pores which are larger than the nominal pore size; pores of nominal size are located towards the membrane outlet side. The fluid is fed across the membrane. and backwashing is used for cleaning. USE-To remove turbidity-causing components from beer, wine, fruit juice, milk and blood, and from bacterial and enzyme suspensions. ADVANTAGE-The process greatly reduces the lost production time associated with earlier filtration methods, and beneficial components can pass through the membrane, thereby improving the quality of permeated fluids such as beer and wine. (Amended abstract week 9605)
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP645174-A
Filing date29/03/1995
Publication statusPublished - 1995


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